The Many Joys of being Disabled: Falling Over
When was the last time you fell over? I don't mean a little trip
I mean ending up on the floor!
I fell over about an hour ago, which is the second time this week,
that I have ended up on my bottom.
I will admit this is unusual. I am extremely careful after spraining my ankle in 2015
(which wasn't great. It was a day into the 6 weeks holiday and was surprisingly painful
- with all the brain surgery etc and 2 c-sections that easily hurt the most!).
I will never forget my automatic feeling of not concern about it really hurting - I thought
I had broken it - but the upset it was going to set my physio back!
What has been surprising is how ok and generally acceptable it is for me to get hurt, on a
daily basis. Quite often I have big bruises and won't know how I did it. It’s not because it
didn’t hurt, it probably did, but it is just my normal now and I get on with things.
I wouldn't think even to mention it unless:
1. Its too painful and I have to, or
2. It's noticeable
I mentioned falling over at the golf club to my husband because the chances are I was seen.
I was fine, just a bruised ego but I think a lot of golfers on the putting green got a bit of a
scare along with my son.
On the plus side they very quickly sorted out a little step which had made me trip so it does
have advantages!!
I am at sports day today my main aim is to not make it 3rd time lucky and properly hurt
myself. I achieved this- yay - plus it's a new week so fingers crossed there will be less
falling over, preferably none!
The boring/complicated bit - unfortunately the AVM that burst was in my cerebellum which
controls things like balance. Between that and a very big (and very scary) operation to remove
what originally went wrong, it's not really surprising that I fall over a lot! People who have
brain hemorrhages, often get problems in those areas which the part of the brain that had the
hemorrhage controls.
Falling over sucks but until my balance improves (5 years - nearly 6 years and counting) there is
unfortunately nothing that can be done about it. I will just have to continue to accept occasionally
it will happen and pray I don't hurt myself in the meantime!
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