Mummy ideas: Little Jar of Awesomeness

After my brain haemorrhage in 2013 I don't work, so I have all this free time to
come up with and try new parenting ideas. Here’s an incredibly simple idea: create
a Little Jar of Awesomeness

Shhhh, It is just a jam jar!!


It looks good, you don’t forget everyday memories and it's easy storage.

Even better, its great for building children's self esteem and feelings of self worth.

I got this idea from a radio show (although I can't remember the name) and thought
what a great/easy thing to do!

I got the children to design a label each to say "x 's Jar of Awesomeness " - well that's a
20 minute activity on its own!

I have plastic jars because I am completely paranoid about glass jam jars after a rather
traumatic experience. Basically, I spent/wasted an hour of my life clearing one up. If it
 took me over an hour pre - brain haemorrhage, just imagine how long it would take me

The idea is whenever they do anything awesome, I or they, write it down and pop it in the jar.
 It really is that simple! This can be any positive experience or anything they are proud of.

 There are absolutely no rules with what can go in the jar - it's just something you or they
want remembered. I have a pen and bits of paper the right size ready.

You can use it as a pick-me-up during the year. For example if they are sad or say they 'can't' -
you can give them a recent example of when they did something good.

 At the end of the school year, you can empty it and give them one piece of paper with all the
writing from the bits of paper for them to keep. l will also print out an extra one for me to stick
in a folder somewhere - as an easy way to collect memories.


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