Mummy idea - educational games

I do love an educational game - you’ve seen my clipboards (I haven't done an indoor one
 since we have been off school but I will!)… this time it’s general knowledge quizzes.

Particularly at the current time, having an educational type game 'up your sleeve' can be
 an absolute lifesaver.

I know, I used it this morning and counted it towards the children's school work for the day!
You just work with what you have - the sun was shinning this morning so we sat in the garden.

Normally, I use spots because I have big button rugs in my Playroom. The kids choose a category 
of English, History or Science (not maths because I am unashamedly mathematically challenged).

It is a very simple idea if they get the question right they can take a step forward to the next spot.
 If wrong, they stay put until their next go.

It means I have a reason to put on all my Youtube playlists of horrible history etc and I feel like I
 am increasing their general knowledge.

Plus a game works very well because both my children are very competitive…(they get that from
 both of us)

NB These questions were from my Mum and Dad (who are both ex teachers albeit secondary level)
 I have absolutely no idea where they originally came from.

Apologies if this is a bit rushed I just wanted to get the idea up quickly in case its useful!

 Please feel free to share any ideas you have below- we all need as much help as we can get!


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