Why don’t my children eat? I ask myself constantly. I know what you are thinking: “MY children eat, she must be pandering to them in some way” and “don’t give them anything else. If they are hungry they will eat” But here’s the thing. I am really not pandering to them. My children simply appear to have wills of iron when it comes to food – and yes, they will go hungry. I have heard it all when it comes to solutions to picky eaters. ‘Don't give them any choice’ is one classic. I don’t. ‘Just keep putting it on their plate ultimately they will eat it’ is another. Mine haven't and they’re 7 and 9 years-old. But I still persist, putting food on their plate for them to waste. What I have learnt is all that all the advice is complete rubbish when it comes to my own children. Over the years I have tried lots of things to encourage them, including going to a special children's group for picky eaters. The end result was after 6 weeks my ...
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