Proud mummy moment: Blue Peter

Today I am having an extremely proud mummy moment both my children got Blue Peter Badges.
My daughter wrote a letter in the summer and then promptly forgot about it. I found it mid-December and submitted it on her behalf.
I wasn't expecting a response anytime soon but they replied in 10 minutes to say they were sending them.
I am so pleased and very proud. I am disabled and they have to do - and have always done - lots of stuff to help me. For example, in Lockdown I had no help with housework so we had 30 minutes of daily tidying for months or 'helping me' time with the song, 'high-ho' or 'A Spoonful of Sugar' indicating the start
Although it isn't just lockdown my children have always had to be incredibly helpful and tidy- I can't have toys or anything left on the floor in case it trips me up.
I am so pleased and proud of them.
Those that have read my posts for a while know I don't go to many places because of the constant faf - even when there isn't a virus.
This impacts on my children - they have only ever been to London once, have never been abroad and don't get to do certain things because I can't drive. Although this sounds like they are hard-done-by, they aren't!!
I have got used to the constant mum-guilt so it has absolutely made my day to have all what they do acknowledged - they are simply amazing.
Well done Blue Peter and thank you so much!!
EDIT: I didn't read her letter before I submitted it and putting this on I have just realised that I should only have 1 cloth emblem for me
Guess we can stop looking for other one I thought we'd lost
My daughter is a very kind girl I'm going to have to find out what she sent!!!


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