
Showing posts from April, 2019

Extreme tiredness

Everyone gets tired, right? I have two children and also suffered sleeping problems so I know what tiredness feels like. But that was nothing to the tiredness I felt in the years following my brain haemorrhage. I knew it could be a side effect of the brain bleed. Indeed, others who have suffered SAHs (Subarachnoid hemorrhage - this is a life-threatening bleeding into the space surrounding the brain) - and are lucky enough to survive – regularly describe this as something they face during their recovery. But it’s not really sufficient to describe what I experienced as ‘tiredness’. This tiredness was extreme; it was a living nightmare. I lived with my in laws (and did so for 2.4 years after the haemorrhage) during which my mother in law did almost everything for me, I didn't even register the tiredness. Once we were living on our own, everything changed. For example, on one occasion it took me almost 3 hours to unload the dishwas...