Mummy Ideas:story sacks

I love this idea. I did loads of parenting courses and this was one of them. They could have talked to
me about quantum physics, if they would make me a cup of coffee and look after my children in a
special creche for free, so I did loads of courses!

These are so easy to put together and so simple because you tend to have the books and toys
anyway. They are a large cloth sack with a good quality children's book in it and supporting materials
to stimulate reading activities.

A lot of websites for little ones have freebies so I found things like masks etc which all help with story

Here is an example pre brain haemorrhage:

Here is an example post brain haemorrhage:

I have loads:

  • A Squash and a Squeeze
  • Room on a broom
  • The gruffalo
  • Poems
  • Fairy tales
  • Nursery rhymes

What you normally include:

  • A fiction book
  • A non fiction book  (I don't bother including this)
  • A large cloth bag
  • Toys/ puppets main characters
  • Artifacts relating to items found in the story
  • A parent prompt card (I don’t include this as it takes too long)
  • A CD of you telling the story (I only have this for a squash & a squeeze as I was on a course so
they arranged it. Although this has proved very useful as it demonstrates how I used to sound.)

You can buy them pre made but they cost a fortune and most parents have things like the books

I use mine all the time - if you give my children a line from Macavity or Growltiger's last stand the
poems by TS Elliot (or indeed lots) I am rather proud that they would be able to give you the next.

This is the bag I use in either L or XL depending what is going in it:


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