My first family holiday
I went on our first family holiday in 4 years in August 2017. It was interesting - going to centre
parcs but not taking the kids swimming (my parents took them).
The facilities as far as disability are very good apart from the actual access to the property -
which is disappointing for something so important. I complained apparently I am the first
person to complain but I highly doubt I am the first person to struggle.
Despite the poor access (I mean seriously even in a wood it's not rocket science to put
some concrete down to make a usable path to the ‘accessible’ villas) the actual
accommodation was very good. A designated easier bathroom with handles and easier
bed (I luckily don’t need either but is was very nice to have).
I used my mobility scooter more than I ever had at this time. I might have really nice fabric
on it (the kind people at Orla Kiely sent me some cool fabric) but I still don't like using it - it
makes me feel really sick and I find it upsetting.
The positives of the holiday is that they had brilliant kids activities - I think the crazy science is
one of the best children's activities I have ever done (and I have done a lot). They made foul
smelling ‘snot’ which was just gross but they loved it, a erupting volcano and stood inside a
gigantic bubble!
They also decorated cupcakes - which was brilliant and we have done it again since being
back home.
The negative side of the holiday was I had tons of pre brain hemorrhage memories including
choosing to give up my career and start a family in one of the restaurants (so major memories!)
and every time we went anywhere there was a photo booth selling happy family swimming
pictures which given I didn't get to take my children swimming I found really upsetting.
Overall the children loved it and went back with their grandparents in 2018 . I was glad for a
change of scenery and the lodge accommodation was good.
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