Why I don’t ‘do’ anymore pets…
I should say right at the outset that 1. I DO like animals and 2. I am not in anyway a horrible person when it comes to animals (or anything else I like to think!). I love my two house cats and would like a little dog when my children leave home (I have told my husband it's cheaper than a 3rd baby but he’s not convinced….yet!!) However, I will not 'do' any more pets. When I was 9ish I had a hamster called ‘Squeak’. Now, alas poor ‘Squeak’ didn't fare too well and as a general rule I think it's probably fair to say best not give hamsters baths… Squeak survived quite a few ‘baths’ before he finally died. I should like to also point out that he passed on at a normal hamster-ish age and I has been explicitly told - by now that I look back on it not-a-necessarily-reliable-source - that I could bath him. Although I suppose the baths might not have helped, I’m glad to say he didn’t die immediately...killing my hamster would have real...