
Showing posts from December, 2019

Disability Discrimination…. Strikes Again

I'm really torn: I want to tell you all about how life is as a newly disabled person, because although it can be depressing, in so many other ways it's surprising and interesting. But I also don't want, and can’t afford, to depress myself by purposely thinking about all things that totally wind me up. So, dear readers, I have decided I am going to list all the things that are winding me up at the moment but do so briefly and not dwell and not make myself cross! I have also written this post in several sittings to avoid REALLY winding myself up: I haven't done a blog about discrimination for a while because I didn't want to come across as just whinging about my disabilities. However, when things are done by other people or companies which actually make it even harder, it's already hard enough, there is a big problem.  Disability can happen to anyone at anytime - as I found out.  In her book, Discrimination Law, Sandr...

I love Christmas updated

The Case of the Missing Shepherd Every year I moan about the missing shepherd in our nativity scene. I bought it  before I realised this travesty and it annoys me every year. My husband said I was  insane to complain to the garden centre where I bought it, but you know what? I don’t  understand why there wasn’t mass outrage over this.  I was calling them anyway. You see, in our nativity scene, Joseph appears to moonlighting as the shepherd as well and in my book that’s unfair. I mean, no-one else has a dual role. The year before last, my son was a shepherd in the school nativity. I told him he didn't exist in our version! Anyway, phoning up the garden centre wasn't the easiest of things. My speech has been affected by the haemorrhage and I can be hard to understand at times. I had to repeat many times why  I was complaining about the missing shepherd/dual-rolled Joseph.  I didn’t understand why there wasn’t mass outrage about this. The garde...