Mummy ideas: give them a clipboard.
Mummy ideas: give them a clipboard. Since my brain hemorrhage in 2013 I haven’t been able to return to work but I haven't minded too much as I had always seen the time at home as a complete gift – and even more so since I became ill (see my post ‘about me’ for the story). What mum can just spend all her day concentrating on herself and her family? Very few these days. Ok, I do wish I were able to do all the things I used to be able to do, but I can't and I have had to accept that. I can assure you that wasn't easy to do! So I have had to find positives. And for me, the biggest positive is that I get to be at home with my children without feeling guilty. I hate being bored. As a result I have always spent my time coming up with educational activities for my children. Here’s a simple idea: give them a clipboard. Now, I love a good clipboard - I have always loved a good clipboard! When we go out for a walk, the ch...